Become A Partner
All Equipment Provided For You On Leasing Basis
Employees Provided & Trained For You
Screening Tools Provided
Screening for unknown conditions at the Primary Care
level results in patient retention or interventional referrals to Specialists to address the challengeInsurance covered medical testing means patients are
more likely to participate in effective preventive care
Over 30,000 Patients Screened
Thousands of previously unknown conditions diagnosed that could have led to heart attack, diabetes, stroke or aortic aneurysms
“Patients who had symptomatic vascular disease had a 14.4% rate at one year and 28.4% rate at three years of having a heart attack, stroke. Patients with vascular disease in more than one location of the body had event rate at 40.5% at three years.”
European Heart Journal, August 2009
Physician-based, preventive care wellness program that provides the tools to detect serious health risks in patients
We partner with you to help your patients got the absolute best preventative care available
We are there and available every day
Think of us a new service line within your practice
Managed Services Agreement